Saturday, April 29, 2017

This is Not a Dress Rehearsal!!

"Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow! Grow!'..."
   - Talmud
"Smile. This is not a drill. Please fasten your safety belts and restore your trays to their full upright and locked position. Dig into thoughts and memories until you've found power; that inner strength and the will to go on. Find the lingering smell that makes you think of that time... Look for the color that sparks the memory about... Show the world the person that can smile no matter what. Please keep all body parts away from the closing doors and prepare for take off. You know that in all darkness you will find a matching light. Conquer the fear of heights, spiders and ghosts. Take a shot of courage and march on through fire. Accomplish what you know you can do. It only takes a fraction of happiness and a moment of your time. Stride short and sweet with power in your footsteps. March to your own beat and rhythm. Excite the flip flops beneath you and fly on Hermes wings. Your time to shine is now, and aim that light at shadows below you. Light will stream out from you and catch others who will reflect it back. Your smile becomes there smile and show you every bit of comfortable strength it has to offer. Accept the offerings and be glad in this. This is a smile creeping across your face, and this is not a recording. Just don't forget to smile. You, this world and everyone in it is ALWAYS more beautiful when you smile."
~When the empire falls

Sometimes, that's not so easy to do these days, I know.  Those times, though, when we can't muster up the strength on our own is when we must turn to each other.  It's been said, we are all angels with only one wing.  Only when we come together can we fly.
So, I thought I would make a little hole in the world where people could come when their inspiration needs a jump start.  Hope you enjoy...

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